At last - Ronnie has returned baby Tommy, who has been masquerading as James for three months. In a typically cynical Eastenders move, the return was drawn out for as long as possible and even included the stalling tactic of Ronnie telling Jack that all he needs to know is he isn't the father (omitting to say she isn't the mother either). Prior to this she wandered the hospital and looked blank, making it difficult to separate bad acting, bad writing and implausible storyline.
While all this was happening, the wedding of the year between Gregg and Tanya took place in a church very far away from Albert Square. It is also worth mentioning, perhaps anyway, that this church has the loudest bells in the world.
The Bells, the bells where's Quasimodo? Ooh, sorry its Max - after being dragged from a dire smash-up he looked like a man who'd had a bad shaving experience!!
Posted by: The Barber of Seville | 16 April 2011 at 03:38 PM