Jack's really down on his luck at the moment. On Thursday he was shot in the ear, but has so far miraculously survived, and now Chelsea has promised to be by his side until he wakes up from his coma. Billy Jackson and his gang are to blame for this untimely earache (the bullet, not Chelsea) and while we're on the subject, you can always tell when it's a gang-related shooting by the way the perp holds the gun sideways innit.
Enough of the street talk, though, as the Mitchells continue to dominate the storylines on the anniversary of Danielle's death. It was no surprise to find out last night that the long lost Mitchell brother, Danny, is yet another one who is still being controlled by his mother. I presume we'll have months of him manipulating the dozy sisters and Auntie Peg while he siphons money into his Swiss bank account. By the end he'll have control of the Queen Vic and they'll be begging for the scraps off his plate. Yeah yeah.