Call me psychic, but I've a funny feeling Eastenders is going to put us through the wringer and back again now Stacey is about to be sectioned and Ronnie has discovered Joel has had the snip. I say 'put us through the wringer and back again' but it does this most of the time anyway. It'll be more like 'put us through an enforced torture session' and masochists that we are we'll no doubt carry on watching.
As upsetting as it is to watch someone have a breakdown, it is still preferable to sitting through Lucas's tedious yet apparently impossible attempts to hide Trina's bracelet. Yes, this is still proving to be a problem for him as he obviously doesn't know of concepts such as bins or drains. His inability to dispose of it may be read as a sign of his guilt, and that he unconsciously wants to be discovered. On the other hand, it could be crap writing that expects viewers to be enthralled by the rising tension of whether he will get away with murder or not.