As loyal Tellyjelly readers will know, I'm not one to criticise Eastenders, well not all the time, but it is as though I can't help myself. Drawn like a moth to a flame or a lemming to a cliff, or Phil to drink, I obviously cannot resist this programme. Because of this weird fatal attraction, the negative appraisal just keeps on spewing out.
Last night is a case in point. Whitney has just found out that her feckless mother has another child, so she (Whitney) has a long-lost half-brother and this is the same guy who saved the square's children from being blown up in the cafe. It is also the same guy who has allegedly stabbed and killed a man and mommie dearest is holding the knife to blackmail him. Now Whitney has the knife and she's refusing to give it back to him too. This story doesn't make sense, is uninteresting and I can only hope this is all an excuse for him to go on a rampage then we can have a cull of the more annoying characters.