Now that Siavash is the self-appointed Miss Marple of the house, let's hope he doesn't have to solve any other crimes more significant than who stole Lisa's missing can of lager. He just isn't that good at detective work, really, but is good value though when he points the finger of justice with certainty, like when he accused Tom of stealing Lisa's drink or told Noirin how the others are calling her a rabbit, and five minutes later says he thinks this is true (rather than knows). In his defence, you could say he is more of a postmodern detective who deals in possibilities and uncertainties, rather than being a run of the mill one who only cares about facts. He does also seem to believe what he is saying at the time, even if it is strange and wrong and embarrassing for the person he is shoving into the limelight. Here's hoping he gets to the final at least.
In other news, Karly's boyfriend (for the moment, anyway) revealed to Lisa and the nation that his white shoes are made of python and cost £3,000. It doesn't take a detective, or Siavash, to work out that as soon as he is up for eviction he will be joining Karly in the outside world again.