Shane the evil, bent coppa is now wrapped up in a blanket and ready to be disposed of and all Jasmine can do is cry. This situation is so far removed from what makes Emmerdale interesting - and for the non-believers it can be good, honestly - that I think it might be time to use the remote control more wisely at 7 pm. Or I could wait till it picks up again.
Either way, Shane and his involvement with the nasty MacFarlanes just isn't that compelling despite us knowing that the MacFarlanes own a nightclub (ooh) and are gangsters (even more oohs) and the constant references to how dangerous and important they are in the Yorkshire Dales makes me wonder why they have never been mentioned before. Eastenders fell out of favour with the viewers for the eternal gangster crap and so be warned Emmerdale writers or you could have a mass switch off (of one).