You'd think the biggest mystery over the Christmas period in Coronation Street would be what has happened to Jed Stone. If you thought this, you'd be wrong. No, the question we're all asking is where did she (Carla) get that hat, where did she get that hat. In second place, we (I anyway) would like to know where Audrey spent Christmas day. While Joe was going with the flow of a soapland Christmas, ie throwing vol-au-vents at the neighbours, she was nowhere to be found. Ok, she resurfaced to accuse Maria of going mad on Boxing Day, but did not bother to explain who she ate turkey with and why she wasn't at Gail's. In third place, how come there was enough paint on the brush for Becky to insert the R in MUDERER to save Maria's graffiti blushes. Apart from these queries, it passed the test of being watchable.