For several weeks, Rachel has been one of the whipping boys as the wannabe alpha males accused her of sitting on the fence. They also said she never expressed her opinions. If we remember, she has done this most notably when Dale and Stuart pushed her to say what she thought of them. She told the truth (that she thought they loved themselves too much) and this almost drove Stuart to tears.
Last night, she dared to let the crap cake win and again her opinion was seen as wrong a) because Rex is a chef and must be the winner b) because Hell's didn't look like the Dome, but probably tasted like it c) because she didn't say what the dominant ones wanted her to say. Like Saul on the road to Damascus, it seems she has seen the light with regard to Rex, though, as she later said he isn't that friendly really. Perhaps she can do the right thing again and put him and his Girlfriend up for nomination with the hope that even Nicole is more popular than he is.