Awoken to the strains of Michael Jackson’s foray into the world of the horror, housemates proved a point which has been staring us all in the face for weeks – yes, they are zombies, under the demonic control of that evil necromancer Big Brother. None more so than scary Lisa, whose uncanny undead dancing went perfectly with her blank stare and chilling laugh. Thrilling!
As for the task, under the caring and thoughtful guidance of Rex it was a guaranteed success and with Mo, ‘the best dancer’ in the house, putting in so much effort, how could the lost souls possibly lose? Of course, it’s not a problem if they do – zombies have no need of a luxury shopping budget, they only eat brains – ah that may be a problem, since there’s few of those evident in the house and the prize one has already been eaten. On that matter, did they ever get the Wizard of Oz connection?
After the nominations were announced, can you imagine what Nicole and Rex would be like if they didn’t have the task to do and the effort of being insensitive to Mikey’s needs to keep them busy?
tellyjelly is getting some culture