It is too easy to say things like 'the blind leading the bland' after last night's show, but I just can't help myself. Probably one of the best moments was when Mario, Darnell, Luke and Bex were in the diary room and while Mario was earnestly talking about the hardships Mikey must have to live with - as well as mentioning his abiding health and safety concerns - Luke and Bex were more bothered with how tight their goggles were. Yes, they are only human and suffering from tight elastic can be painful, but if ever proof were needed that some people should be made to live alone in a box with only crumbs to eat (rather than a house with food, or even a Big Brother house), you now have it.
This annoyance with Bex and Luke could be the usual effect of Big Brother driving the viewers to make up over-exaggerated punishments based on someone being slightly annoying - or I might be right.