It was good to see Kat and Rex impersonating Frank Spencer last night as I think he's been overlooked (marginalised even) for far too long - well, since the disappearance of Mike Yarwood. Their failure to rise to the eating challenge was made all the more disappointing when Lisa revealed she used to eat 20 hot dog sausages in one sitting. This is more unbelievable than the alien story, but I'm sure her heart is in the right place (as Mario looks reasonably healthy).
Amazingly, the hellish ones passed the Tour de Grand Frere task and this was without the help of Luke, Bex, Sarah and Belinda. The only time Bex was energetic was when it came to celebrating the end of it. The events of last night were overshadowed, though, with the news that Luke is now a man and is the same age as Bex. So, this means 1) they aren't thirteen and 2) they have both been eligible to vote for a number of years.