There's a danger that if Alex goes this could end up being the most mature (and possibly boring) Big Brother. Luke hit the nail on the head - board meetings will leave everyone bored and much as Rachel's word perfect response to Alex was a well crafted plea for maturity, it was - well, it was just too nice!
Dennis, who comes over as one of your standard BB squealers at times, took the high ground in calling the house meeting to discuss the behind-the-back issues and he carried many with him, rendering some speechless. Some, but not Alex of course, who joined him up there, as ever spouting on about how everyone should act, when there is no chance of her acting like that at all. Yes, it is broken record time - she must have managed more hypocrisy than anybody else in BB history and yet still nobody has told her so properly. I thought for a moment Dennis would, then Sylvia, but they didn't and then Mario jumped in, but made it so specific to coming in and waking people up as a sign of lacking respect, that the whole thing got diluted.
As for the crisp task - cruel, cruel, cruel - who in their right mind eats Worcester Sauce flavoured crisps? Or bogey ones for that matter.
Did I miss the scenes of a sexual nature? Or was it the 2am 'almost' between Mario and Lisa, so rudely, but funnily interrupted by BB. Wouldn't it be great if they did that every time the pair got anywhere near close.
Tellyjelly isn't missing much